Mother’s Day Mini-Sessions

23rd and 24th MARCH 2024


£125 - includes session and 5 digital downloads

Be in the Photo, Mama

Are you always the one in your family who is behind the camera, desperately attempting to capture every moment, so that in years to come it is not a blurry haze? Do you very rarely take a wall-worthy photo of yourself with your children, mostly selfies or the occasional photo taken by your other half whilst you were mid-yawn or at an unflattering angle?

Yep, me too! This is why you need me.

Mama, you are amazing! Being a mum is bloody hard work and you deserve to be celebrated. You deserve swoon-worthy photos of yourself and your child/children to adorn the walls of your house and to send to loved ones. You and your children deserve beautiful and lasting memories of this stage in your life, to look back on when it is a distant memory.

One day these images are all that your children will have of you. So give yourself and your children the gift of high-quality photos and everlasting memories.

Kate x